Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Do Good Feels Great

15 of us are very lucky and blessed to join the Ecoteer August trip to Pulau Perhentian. A gem in the east coast. We need to get in a plane, van and boat to get there. Sky-Land-Sea package!! But we are all filled with excitement and joy because we can't wait to meet the corals, turtles, marine lives and the lovely people there. School clubs preparation went well for our team as we are creating a stage and it's decoration on a beach.With the amazing view of turquoise blue sea and relaxing sound of the waves. We're super effective. I would said I really love my team, it's really great to work with colleagues from other department. We have the last min member-Kay, editorial- Kak Lina, IT-Devi and BPS-Ching. Daniel from Ecoteer taught us how to properly gear up with the snorkeling tools during the water confident section. I bet all of us felt bad during the Marine life presentation time. The fact of turtles decreasing and died of human caused definitely boost our DO GOOD intention to another level. We will do our best to ensure our kids and the future generation to also have the chance to see the beauty of the reefs.

First night was crazy, with the raining storms outside and laughter madness inside. Get to play card games with Luke, Alvin, Devi, Zalina, LiChoo and also the Ecoteer intern-Chen while waiting for the time to release a nest of baby turtles. We didn't manage to watch turtle lay eggs however seeing the baby turtles made their way crawling to the sea is a unforgettable experience. I believe everybody (most of us) are praying for the turtles to survive and live longer. Every baby turtles step are blessed with lots of prayers. So all the best to you all, baby turtles!!!

Bubbles Chalet's bed was pretty comrfy as me and my roommates almost over slept. We took the boats and hop to the Pulau Perhentian Kecil (where the local village is) the next day. It used to have a very spooky name called Kampung Pasir Hantu but since there're no ghost so we better stick back to the small Perhentian. School day was really fun. We get to show the kids about the story of "Kiki & Ciko" (Zalina did a great job on the script and also Kay the best story teller ever!!). After our puppet play, it's the kids turn to do what we did. From creating the tank to presenting the play. All our effort to bring a big oven box from Bkt Jelutong-Menara Star-Subang Skypark-Pulau Perhentian WORTH every sweat and energy when we saw how the kids turn our play to theirs. They have fun and we have more than that. We went for beach cleaning after lunch. Our team went to Long Beach with the kids. We have to pick up non-organic waste from the beach. From cigarette heads to plastic bottles. Everybody should be responsible to keep the beach clean.

Before dinner, the kids get to perform the puppet play at the public stage. All the mak ciks and pak ciks and other kids drop by to watch and support. We are really PROUD of them and also ourselves!!! Dinner at the local Malay Mak Cik's house was one of the highlight in the trip. We're eating like a Malay without spoon and fork. The nasi minyak, curry chicken, seafood, vege, eggs, corn juice, watermelon, banana cake and the keropok is delicious. Finger licking good!!!!

Third day was quite relaxing as we start of with snorkeling in Coral bay, Turtle bay and shark bay. This is my first time to see a real turtle feeding herself with sea grass. After 20 over years of drawing, I am looking at a real turtle. Tears nearly bump out from my eyes in the goggles. I wish my kid have the chance to see this beautiful picture too. So no stepping on corals, no touching turtles, no littering and no harming turtles. Every one of us did the jetty jump with no safety equipment on. Ah. It's a one in a life time jump!!

It's been quite some time I didn't join a camp. The team building games were fun. Indirectly we learn some values too.The losing team will be preparing the BBQ dinner for all of us. BBQ menu-chicken, beef, squid (my favourite!!), sausages, fried rice, watermelon and orange juice! We spend 2 hours after dinner on the beach under the starry night. Debriefing and sharing our experience throughout the trip. Everyone of us will leave the island in a different point of view. A meaningful quote from Daniel, It's not the end but the beginning of another journey. We'll do our best to spread the awareness and live as a Ecoteer. (We all just officially graduated after the 1 storey jetty jump, aren't we? *finger crossed*)

Last day, the sky was gloomy. We left with a stomach full of nasi lemak from PILA (Perhentian Island Lady Association) and pumpkin kuih. Don't forget the Coconut Milkshake in front of the public toilet next to SKPP (Sekolah Kebangsaan Pulau Perhentian). We'll keep these wonderful memories in our heart and we'll be back every season, just like the turtles!!

Once a Ecoteer, forever a Ecoteer.

*There's no better picture than to picture it yourself in the paradise.

Sunday, August 11, 2013