Saturday, November 29, 2008





我的小青,就这样因为我受了伤。。 =(


好久都没有这样子了,整整一个星期=7天连续的在3am-5am 才入睡。原因?最后一个星期当大学生了,赶功课,虽然不喜欢最后一分钟的赶,但是回头想想,这也是个甜美的回忆,至少我会很怀念我们一起互相鼓励,替彼此加油的夜晚。

自从,睡zjo cb后,原来还惨过睡棺材的 =,=。。。 第二天,霉运就找上门了。本小姐,第一次这样不注重presentation, 看错时间表,轮胎突然也漏气,爸妈不在本地,叫天天没空应,叫地地不会灵。还好,本小姐生平待人不错,遇到贵人也。。 ^,^

这星期看了2 场戏,Madagascar 2 和《与狗狗的十个约定》。Madagascar: escape 2 africa 延续上一部的精彩,也更有"笑果"!若你走出戏院,还记得那些对白,这部戏就是成功了~ 《与狗狗的十个约定》对我来说是 《再见,可鲁》的延续。戏里说的是女孩和一只狗的故事,有养宠物的朋友,一定要看!因为你有你的朋友,你的工作,你的学业,但是它只有你~


Sunday, November 23, 2008








大家最关心的莫过这学期的broadcast journalism 科。至少,这是大家最有兴趣的一科。真得很怀念我们5人一辆车的日子。你我互相学习,互相提醒,互相帮助的日子。很开心,因为我们的努力及挨骂没被白费。因为我们上电视了!! 哈哈。真是个天大的奖励,难忘的回忆。或许我们不是最好的,但是我相信毕业后,我们都会引以为傲。不能不应用一下,虫虫特工队是最棒的!

赶死赶命的creative advertising 科,终于在大家的付出下,慢慢的“生出来了”。好辛苦哦。好不容易,大家有了同一个共识,同一条心(要做到最好的心)。我们用心付出,会得到回报的。第一个就是我们的友谊,更加的“高分”了。自从昨晚。。。 (哎,别提了。。)
原来,大家都不是太喜欢flim appreciation这科。不能说不喜欢啦,只是比较提不起劲做功课。但是,我还是很享受在那间“简单”的media room看戏的感觉。其实,flim 这一科我很喜欢。因为我爱看戏,所以我没后悔读这一科。以后,有机会我一定会再深造。人生如戏,戏如人生。你的生命中,是否有你当主角的一部戏吗?

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Theory of the Cat & GoldFish

Brain : Think themselves are the cooling animal in the world
Body : Some goes slim some goes superb
Inner Attraction : dependent, unique, lonely
Outer Attration : glamour, arrogant, furry
Sickness : I just care bout my stomach and my sleep
Slogan : It's all about me
Best contribution to human : Inspired CATWALK

Brain : Think that the world is huge
Body : Always the grumpy one but with golden scale
Inner Attraction : free, easy, lonely
Outer Attraction : shinny, glossy, boring
Sickness : Short term memory lost that make me forgot thing in 2 seconds
Slogan : I can only live in water
Best contribution to human : more choice for a PET that never voice out

the cat and the goldfish theory somehow shows a part of the society. No matter how high class is a cat, they still like to look at the goldfish in the transparent bowl and thinking to catch them. Cat always ask for more when they have more than enough. cat are same as human, selfish as they only think of themselves. It's true. yes yes... some may think of others first.. but lastly the benefits go to themselve also... that's nothing wrong with that.. but to accept everyone share the same taught some part in our similar brain. goldfish in the society choose to stay away from the land and live happily in the water. freedom is what they want and what they have. Yet the contribution to the society is to have another category for humans to choose for a living style. compare to the reality part, goldfish choose to believe the ideal one. you can see it from it's brain size, it really doesnt think much. Now humans in the society have the same thing with the cat and goldfish which is LONELY. As a human somehow in sometime we will feel that there is only us. ALONE. yet. we can learn how to overcome that just like cat and goldfish. SLEEP or SWIM or just INSPIRED others. There are many things to learn from mother nature but do you realize that??? are you a cat or a goldfish?