Wednesday, January 12, 2011

season of viruses

The year of 2011
starts with....


We fight!

and end up taking
pills/medicine/cough syrup drugs
my biggest challenge!
and the worst thing when i'm sick
definitely is the package of
Fever + Flu (morning & night) + cough syrup (dry cough)
gosh~~ pity me =(
Why cant medicine just look like this?
I will be willing to take it daily on time..
If and only if they look so cheerful and happy!
recently the viruses very strong and powerful..
7 in every 10 people is sick
some went for blood test (suspect kena denggi)
so serious.. =="
but at least we can greet each other by asking
Do take care of yourself.
Drink more water.
And stay away from viruses.
They are always around to attack us.
Gonna have my 3rd round of medicine for today
and go to bed early.
So that my body can build a stronger immune system!
GO GO Fighting!!!

Friday, January 7, 2011

Winter breeze

It has been raining and drizzling today..
since early morning..
It feels like winter..

I was walking across my office building to have my lunch this afternoon..
The wind blowed and I saw tiny fine rain drops..
The temperature is actually like summer end in Europe.. maybe around 18-22 degrees..
I enjoyed it.. It makes my feel like I'm working in some Europe country.. =)
If and only if the mistlike drops are snow flakes...
Then I'll be walking at the streets like this.....

The best thing to enjoy during a cold night like this..
Hot chocolate..
Lately I'd been trying on my Coffee Bean & Tea leaf limited powder set..
*honey + warm milk
* dark cocoa powder + warm milk (perhaps to put in some marshmallow next time)
*white choco powder + warm milk
*hazelnut powder + warm milk
Not really a milky person.. but.. just to match the feel..
After all... Warm milk is the best drink to get good quality sleep..

Can't imagine how people spend their night during the winter..
cold, dark, a sense of lonely.. maybe?
how weird.. I'm having this feeling right now.. =="
Before this winter feeling going too deep..
I better hit the sack and have a sweet winter dream...
Good night~
xoxo : Christina DingNing

Wednesday, January 5, 2011



天啊,真的。所以在我24岁的这一年... 我要....... 飞!!!!

当然,要考虑到本小姐的钱包够不够厚... 但是,真的很想在今年夏天去个小岛来个沙滩之旅。 碧海蓝天, 椰林树影,水清沙幼... 天堂啊~~~

可能,水瓶座就是爱水.. 我们对海的爱,除了鱼儿,蟹儿之外,其他人是体会不到我们看到蓝蓝的海时的喜悦和说不出的感动~~


口水都差不多留下来了.. 岛儿们啊~~ 等我~~

决定在今年matta fair 拿资料!3月的redang family trip.. 好期待.. 希望今年可以“tam”到国王王后带我去澳洲看海豚... *nyek nyek*