Friday, December 26, 2008

Christmas = the joy of sharing and have fun

Cheers... oh that's only sparkling juice.. haha...
birthday boy gotta finish the big portion!

wonderful steamboat.. (thanks to who?? )

okay, it's gorgeous~

We "Crazy ppl" did have FUN

Finally we have our christmas party =)

i LOVE it! thank you very muchie~

We belong together...........

Finally the day has come.... IT'S CHRISTMAS TIME baby~~

1st of all, i miss my boyfriend, Nicks.. i wonder how's christmas in England.. Merry Christmas to you and i miss you so merry much.. Muacks~

Alright, after the confession to my beloved one, here comes the unusual christmas thing dy... wakakakka...

Okay, on christmas eve. Thanks to Bryan allow us to have our christmas eve bbq party at his wonderful condo pool side. We talk, we play crazy and nonsense games, we eat and drink, we take gorgeous photos, we so called count down and we talk crap together = FUN.

After that is the christmas present exchange session at 3am on christmas day in "uma rani". Haha.. unexpectedly i got Janice's present.. It's a water bottle ( which is in my wish list ^^) Thanks... i like it. It's so COOL and unique.. juz like me~ and my present goes to Luan =) a wonderful twilight juz starts...... Zjo and Yuki follow me home... and we have girl pillow talk..... ( to me is like morning chatting caz it's already like 5 am dy, haha)

On christmas night went to KY's house for steamboat dinner and Tonny's surprise celebration as well. Hee. We cook our food, we take "christmas like" photos to prove we are celebrating christmas in "very typical chinese new year style", we sing birthday song, we cheers and lastly we play spray snow~ Wonderful night.

Christmas to me is a festive of sharing the joy together, having fun with your friends (old and new one), and also a chance to go home late( or should i said early in the morning?!?).. Hohoho.. Merry Christmas~

Sunday, December 21, 2008







考了最后一科,ok没把握的一科(别提了,反正过了),我要放纵自己!!首先,看了电影《Australia》首映by Nicole Kidman and Hugh Jackman from the director Baz Luhrmann。从片名看,应该是一部爱国电影;从海报看,应该是一部爱情电影;从“卡斯”看,应该是一部有水准的电影。如果你觉得titanic是世纪之作,那你看了《澳洲》应该不会失望。我个人很喜欢nicole在戏里的美,觉得她的演技和外表简直是完美。自从《魔戒》,我很久没看这么“长”的戏了。当你觉得是个结束的时侯,原来才真正开始。导演依然很有他的style,拍了很多“澳洲欢迎您”的画面。哈哈,在戏里澳洲国宝袋鼠也有"这样"的下场。哈哈。 再来,出席了本小姐的第一次“lingerie fashion show”在the gardens robinson。你能想象火辣的模特儿只穿着性感内衣,内裤和睡衣走猫步吗?由于主办单位不准我们拍照所以没图为证。不然,一定流鼻血。。最开心不过的不是那些vouchers(我一定没机会用到的,哈哈)而是一件价值不菲的valisere内裤(这个最实际)!!超开心的!=)之后到KLPAC 看了朋友的舞台话剧 the seven deadly scenes 讲述人的7情6欲,爱恨情仇。比起以前我看的舞台话剧,这部是更“18sx”“PG-13”的。这次的舞台比较小,但是观众们都坐在很靠近演员的地方,而且制作组还很贴心的准备枕头(因为大家必须坐在地板上)。接下来,看了我想也没想过会看的电影。真的!反正有免费票就去睡个觉也好。我真得很尊敬那些电影人的,可是我被睡神征服了。我觉得马来西亚电影(不论什么语言)都是拍给马来西亚人看的。因为里面的脸孔,对白,方言,甚至动作,我保证每个马来西亚人都看得懂,而且会有意外的笑点。但是,在这片土地上大家都想往外面的大树,忽略了“本地娱乐”这棵小树苗。我相信它会长大,长得好不好,就靠大家了。

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Chihuahua [chee'-wow-wa]

thanks for the drink =)

i wish to have a pool like that..

yea, this is the leng zai i'm talking bout.

DOGS are born to be CUTE~

okay, dont refer to the poster, you will get more in the movie!

Believe it or not? I am having my finals tomorrow and i just came back from a movie premiere. These few days had been staying at home, came back from seremban, lots of stuff happening.. erm... which really not that happening... so... thinking of going for the movie premiere... yet maybe will be going alone.. but luckily end up with free chocolate drink and a accompanion... which really cheer up my day.. cause it has been somewhile i missed the drink that have the happy factor inside.. you know chocolate really does makes people happy.. and this wonderful dark chocolate drink really get back my "happiness" feel. ^,^

Oh, the chihuahua... i personally love dogs.. in whatever size, breed and colour.. so dogs movie to me is like.. "OMG, they are SO CUTE!" this cute little princess beverly hills chihuahua, Chloe voiced by Drew Barrymore!! i like the Germen Sherperd, Delgado, the director take a lot of "lengzai" shots of him.. really makes him the "HERO" type in the dog world.. he is a K-9 ler.. and there is a Dobermen, Oh.. this dog reminds me of somebody's dog that used to bark loudly at me... (luckily the dog is given away dy.. huhu) The most surprising character besides dogs is the very supporting sly rat and an iguana (oh i hope to have 1~~). actually this movie main point is the ending note that encourage people to love your pets and adopt pets if you want one.. LOVE YOUR PET!! chee-WOW-wa~~

Wednesday, December 3, 2008




the cute BOLT-voiced by John Travolta

the 3 main characters - Bolt, Mitten and Rhino

今天下午看了 janice 一而再,再而三强力推介的电影 twilight。这部戏改编自著名的同名小说。虽然,这不是什么大制作,但是却是一部值得一看的电影。我喜欢导演把吸血鬼从新包装,我喜欢那种冷冷冰冰的高贵。接下来,故事情节也把观众带进主角的世界,一切都是很真实的。除此之外,那浪漫的对白真的浪漫到不行,应该可以杀死不少女生。这部戏,给我的感觉就是冷,但是感觉到爱是存在的,好奇怪。也许,这就是爱上一个吸血鬼的感觉吧。

接下来,看了3D BOLT。一部 disney 和 pixar 打造的动画。比起 dreamworks 的作品,这部只可以用电脑特技,角色设计和颜色配搭来观赏。故事情节普通,一般的disney fans 都可以很快的知道接下来会发生什么。对于这部动画,我有点失望,因为几个月前看了预告后我很期待,但是却没有给我很大的惊喜。最后还是不得不称赞disney 和pixar 的精英们,他们的功力真的越来越厉害了,3D 是一个不错的享受,见仁见智啦。对于我,科技让我看到和体会到了更多,但是却渐渐的忽略了最原始的动画主要目的-娱乐,打从心理的欢乐。

Saturday, November 29, 2008





我的小青,就这样因为我受了伤。。 =(


好久都没有这样子了,整整一个星期=7天连续的在3am-5am 才入睡。原因?最后一个星期当大学生了,赶功课,虽然不喜欢最后一分钟的赶,但是回头想想,这也是个甜美的回忆,至少我会很怀念我们一起互相鼓励,替彼此加油的夜晚。

自从,睡zjo cb后,原来还惨过睡棺材的 =,=。。。 第二天,霉运就找上门了。本小姐,第一次这样不注重presentation, 看错时间表,轮胎突然也漏气,爸妈不在本地,叫天天没空应,叫地地不会灵。还好,本小姐生平待人不错,遇到贵人也。。 ^,^

这星期看了2 场戏,Madagascar 2 和《与狗狗的十个约定》。Madagascar: escape 2 africa 延续上一部的精彩,也更有"笑果"!若你走出戏院,还记得那些对白,这部戏就是成功了~ 《与狗狗的十个约定》对我来说是 《再见,可鲁》的延续。戏里说的是女孩和一只狗的故事,有养宠物的朋友,一定要看!因为你有你的朋友,你的工作,你的学业,但是它只有你~


Sunday, November 23, 2008








大家最关心的莫过这学期的broadcast journalism 科。至少,这是大家最有兴趣的一科。真得很怀念我们5人一辆车的日子。你我互相学习,互相提醒,互相帮助的日子。很开心,因为我们的努力及挨骂没被白费。因为我们上电视了!! 哈哈。真是个天大的奖励,难忘的回忆。或许我们不是最好的,但是我相信毕业后,我们都会引以为傲。不能不应用一下,虫虫特工队是最棒的!

赶死赶命的creative advertising 科,终于在大家的付出下,慢慢的“生出来了”。好辛苦哦。好不容易,大家有了同一个共识,同一条心(要做到最好的心)。我们用心付出,会得到回报的。第一个就是我们的友谊,更加的“高分”了。自从昨晚。。。 (哎,别提了。。)
原来,大家都不是太喜欢flim appreciation这科。不能说不喜欢啦,只是比较提不起劲做功课。但是,我还是很享受在那间“简单”的media room看戏的感觉。其实,flim 这一科我很喜欢。因为我爱看戏,所以我没后悔读这一科。以后,有机会我一定会再深造。人生如戏,戏如人生。你的生命中,是否有你当主角的一部戏吗?

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Theory of the Cat & GoldFish

Brain : Think themselves are the cooling animal in the world
Body : Some goes slim some goes superb
Inner Attraction : dependent, unique, lonely
Outer Attration : glamour, arrogant, furry
Sickness : I just care bout my stomach and my sleep
Slogan : It's all about me
Best contribution to human : Inspired CATWALK

Brain : Think that the world is huge
Body : Always the grumpy one but with golden scale
Inner Attraction : free, easy, lonely
Outer Attraction : shinny, glossy, boring
Sickness : Short term memory lost that make me forgot thing in 2 seconds
Slogan : I can only live in water
Best contribution to human : more choice for a PET that never voice out

the cat and the goldfish theory somehow shows a part of the society. No matter how high class is a cat, they still like to look at the goldfish in the transparent bowl and thinking to catch them. Cat always ask for more when they have more than enough. cat are same as human, selfish as they only think of themselves. It's true. yes yes... some may think of others first.. but lastly the benefits go to themselve also... that's nothing wrong with that.. but to accept everyone share the same taught some part in our similar brain. goldfish in the society choose to stay away from the land and live happily in the water. freedom is what they want and what they have. Yet the contribution to the society is to have another category for humans to choose for a living style. compare to the reality part, goldfish choose to believe the ideal one. you can see it from it's brain size, it really doesnt think much. Now humans in the society have the same thing with the cat and goldfish which is LONELY. As a human somehow in sometime we will feel that there is only us. ALONE. yet. we can learn how to overcome that just like cat and goldfish. SLEEP or SWIM or just INSPIRED others. There are many things to learn from mother nature but do you realize that??? are you a cat or a goldfish?

Thursday, October 30, 2008




俊翔,是我们的小学同学。我们一起成长,就像家人一样。谁能接受家人的离去?在我眼中,俊翔是一个好人,一个我们的私家司机, 一个永远穿t-shirt的邻家男孩。真正大家熟起来,因该是马六甲之旅。俊翔和他的黑色myvi,很有性格的驾姿,都是他留给我们开心的回忆。还记得,我的生日派队,因为以线条为主体,他还特地call 我说“穿t-shirt能不能?”“也是线条的”。。他就是一个这么细心的男生。

大家的心情都因该和我一样,选择了不要相信这个事实。因为,我们都感觉到俊翔的存在。六年级《自我介绍》里写的“友谊永固”,永远都在。 但是,朋友们我们真的能接受他已经不会和我们开玩笑,这个残酷的事实吗? 老实说,我没有心理准备去见一个陌生的俊翔,一个不会zat 人的俊翔。


Monday, October 27, 2008


The programme book and the ticket

This is Zac Efron as Troy Bolton in High School Musical series and my movie premiere ticket

The poster i LOVE in the goodie bag

It's so happy to watch it 1st in Malaysia...

Their last HSM movie together....

由于看了High School Musical 1 & 2, 不知不觉我爱上了这部青春歌舞电影。在hotlink的机缘巧合下,我成功获得 HSM 3: Senior Year 的首映!超开心的!!约了一位志同道合的好朋友欣赏了这部电影。影评是:所有演员的默契和演技比前两部成熟,舞蹈编曲也更加精彩,Disney 就是Disney 。观后感是:我好像回到高中毕业的时候。。男主角是我爱看的主要原因,他的名字是Zac Efron,他拥有了我心中白马王子的所有条件,放心,白马王子只是我生活上的其中一个兴奋剂。我发觉我真的是一个标准的Disney 粉丝叻。。从以前的卡通到动画到电影我都是那么的喜欢。。 我的wallpaper,screensaver,差不多连ringtone 都是HSM 的。。我承认我是疯狂。。你是否也和我一样曾经为了你喜爱的电影疯狂过吗??那种为爱疯狂的滋味,真的会让你觉得世界很美好,因为你找到了活着的娱乐,增添人生的色彩。

好朋友总是会以礼相待,星期六晚上,君儿邀请我到KLPAC(KL Performing Art Center) 去看一部舞台话剧。自从中学毕业后,我渐渐远离舞台剧了。想当年,高三毕业前我导的话剧可是戏剧比赛最佳戏剧呢!话说回来,本小姐第一次到KLPAC, 这地方很有艺术气息,很大自然,很美丽,我很喜欢。我想,从今以后我会常去吧!这次要看的话剧虽然是以马来语呈现但是内容却是如此的熟悉,因为这是马来西亚人的故事。戏剧分两个部分,都是关于女人的故事,所以剧名叫kisah gadis。我深深的向这些艺术表演者致敬,因为有你们,马来西亚的艺术才会继续发展下去。。 谢谢~~

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


break the ice with photo taking session... (plan by myself)
me & my assistant-Sunny with the Jap girls
All of us... as u can see the signature pose is "yeah"....

自从中学毕业后,没有试过像今天这么早起身了。天还暗就要驾车去大学,因为今天是个特别的日子。多得janice的邀请,在上个学期假期我决定参与这项文化交流的活动。大约早上9时,日本妹妹来了。真得很可爱!~! 卡哇伊~~


这次的活动,让我会想起以前在中学办活动和参加生活营的美好回忆。yokoso malaysia~~

Sunday, October 5, 2008


Girly 的期待。。我会给她幸福的。。

十月一号,到云顶塞了一天,等了一天,好不容易才玩了一天。马来同胞的开斋节,其他人都跑上山喘喘气,吹吹风。因为在kl真得很够力的热。表姐独自去玩跳楼机,我和侄儿们去玩我的最爱小飞象~~想不到我的8岁大的侄儿竟然挑战我做云霄飞车。真的是walau eh..... 现在的小孩子怎么了?都吃豹胆大的吗?所以,身为表姨的我也不赖挑战他坐第一个位子。(还好之前和明丽练大我的胆了。)

十月二号,仍然在云顶,可是去了蘑菇园和清水祖师庙。原来云顶真的什么东西都贵的,连一只德国牧羊小狗都要20千。人潮依然这么多。哦,要感谢一下愿意借车给我们的车主--mr oma.



