Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Blessing Blossoms

  • finally the 1st episode shooting gonna end soon..
  • hopefully this luck or whatever which brought us to complete this shoot will bring us further...
  • lovely souvenir from the Big Mama
  • lolx knew it when she texted me from Manila asking my sizes...
  • Never received a gift like this before.. so unique..

  • just like the sender & receiver =)
  • personally thinks that only this big jug can fill in all her words to me..
  • Last week, received this thank you baby full moon box..
  • unexpectedly this box is so satisfying..
  • the nasi kunyit + the chicken curry.. perfect match
  • lappu even dip the egg and absorb all the curry... creative menu from his egg eating theory..
  • dont not forget the wonderful ang ku kuih~~
  • Thanks to the baby EAN CHAN's parents of course...
  • hope they will faster get another one so that i can have this yummy full moon box agian.. hee...
  • Attend the Astro Drama Forum....
  • A great one...
  • A challenge..

and i hope A better future... (for the industry and for us...)

well... when things keep changing... you change with it also.. but sometimes you are blessed with lots of love and cares... blessed with there is challenge for you to achieve success... blessed with you are lucky to meet a problem and troubleshoot it.. Who doesnt want a better life with no less headache & tears.. We need those!! to make us stronger and the SURVIVOR with LOVE!!


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