Sunday, May 16, 2010

Bub Bub Bub Bub Bub Bub Bub Bub Bubba Gump~

The Bubba Gump Shrimp Company

Ms SSSML trying to do something bad
kids dont learn this at home..
btw, the shoes fits her long legs!
Lovely couple~~~
willing to let me kacau them the whole afternoon.... nyek nyek..

some snap shots around while waiting for food...

inside this pail: all the sauces u name it! plus a big roll of tissue~

this "coffee shop" is for u to clean ur hands~~

show this when u need an assistant.. and the "forrest" will come to u..
have to make them RUN away by putting this up..

- my drink, RUN FORREST RUN -

Shrimp Heaven
gosh... we are really in heaven...

ok.. this dish have a very challenging name..
Bourbon Street Baramundi.....
phew~ luckily i got referance.. lolx..

yummy fresh shrimp.. ends the meal...
and the fries taste excellent!
wonderful lunch with the couple~~
i guess my next visit will be very soon~~~


mengli said...

happy lunchie with you too =)

Anonymous said...

without me...where got happy~Haiz!