Tuesday, November 20, 2012

To You with Love

Dear imaginary friend,

Hey buddy, how long has it been since our last chat? I still remembered that night you asked me not to give up when I look into the mirror. There are times that we used to talk together. You and Me. Happy ones, sad ones, excited ones, and of course very much critical ones.

Many people won't know that I have you since like forever. Perhaps, you are the one supporting me and make me walk through pains and tears. You are the reason who I am today. Not taking drugs, no scar on my wrist, not wondering outside, no ta-too, not a alcoholic, not a runaway daughter. 

I'd put you in different forms, my favourite lilac bunny, a green mousey, the LION, the teddy princess, my colour pencils, the drawing book, my pink fat tumbler, silver anklets with bells and now.. You are You. Because I want you to be you. Fair and square. Just like the way you want Me to be Me. So you will be every where whenever I needed you. 

They don't understand how an only girl grow up. With no siblings to play with, no one to talk to and the hardest part is be what your parents wanted you to be. A thought can kill a person, yes. This happens a lot to me. But you hold me so tight and won't let this happen to me.

Mommy would never know why since pre-school, the principal, everybody remembered me as a talkative girl. I practice my conversation with you, my friend. (that's our little secret *winked*) All our adventures and funny dialogues. Oh, there's a movie recently shot called TED, it pretty much shows how our "thing" work. This BFF thing. Just that, the teddy bear is still a furry teddy bear till now. Haha.. You are much more blessed in this sense.

Last night you asked me to find LOVE. Yes, I will. I promise you. I will.

Thank you for being there again. 

Infinity love,

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